Thank you for your interest in Missouri Valley Christian Academy. The family-like atmosphere MVCA currently enjoys, is due greatly to the similarities of Biblical convictions and principals taught and lived out in the homes of our families. Through our selection process, we desire to enroll new families who will build up this warm, harmonious atmosphere.
The instructions listed below outline the steps towards enrollment at MVCA. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school at any time. We encourage you to continually seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance in making these important decisions concerning the education of your family.
1) Visit MVCA
School personnel share information about mission, curriculum, home/school partnerships, enrollment process, and answers family questions. Families are given a tour of the school, which is tailored to their specific needs or interests. If there is continued interest, parents are given an application.
2) Complete the Application Form
The completed application along with the child’s most recent report card may either be mailed or returned personally to the school.
3) Interview
Upon receipt of the application and the child’s most recent report card, an interview will be scheduled with school personnel. The interview assures: 1) At least one parent expresses a clear testimony of Christian faith. 2) The parents desire a Christian education for their child. 3) The family beliefs are consistent with the Statements of Faith, policies and philosophies of the school. 4) The child expresses a desire to attend the school and agrees to live in harmony with school standards.
4) Consideration for Enrollment
Parents will be given time to review their decision regarding enrollment. School personnel will determine final acceptance based on the interview, registration form, and report card information. The school will follow up with a phone call.
5) Acceptance to MVCA
If acceptance is granted, a registration folder will be sent to the family. The family will need to complete the registration folder and submit the registration fee. When all registration forms and fees are returned, the potential student is officially enrolled.
Please note: MVCA admits students of any race, color, national origin, and gender to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. We reserve the right to decline students based upon poor academic performance and/or other factors that are deemed inconsistent with our mission.